Research Reports
ELI publishes Research Reports available for free download that present the analysis and conclusions of the policy studies ELI undertakes to improve environmental law and policy. These reports contribute to education of the profession and disseminate diverse points of view and opinions to stimulate a robust and creative exchange of ideas. Those publications, which express opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the Institute, its Board of Directors, or funding organizations, exemplify ELI’s commitment to dialogue with all sectors.ELI’s Food Waste Initiative is publishing a Research Brief Series to present takeaways from the Initiative’s research, spanning a range of topics important to food waste prevention, recovery, and recycling.
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Island communities in the Pacific region rely on fishing for food and livelihoods, but coastal marine resources are under threat from both natural and human pressures that are leading to their decline. It is essential that local communities, which often have traditional user rights or ownership rights over coastal areas and the marine resources in those areas, play a leading role in managing the resources on which they depend.
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This is a companion paper to ELI’s 2023 report, Ventilation in Schools, which discusses state policy strategies for addressing school ventilation as part of general facility operations and during infectious disease emergencies.
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Building ventilation is a core strategy for improving indoor air quality. Well before the COVID-19 pandemic, research demonstrated the importance of outdoor air ventilation – and the related practice of air filtration – for reducing indoor exposure to infectious aerosols and to pollutants commonly found in indoor air. There are well-established methods that school facility mangers can employ to provide adequate ventilation and filtration.
Read More >Even with Louisiana’s long history of facilitating offshore oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico, anticipated offshore wind activities in state and federal waters will present new challenges for the state planning and regulatory framework. Offshore wind facilities will require substantial engagement by state agencies and commissions in order to protect state resources and guide development where appropriate.
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