We are delighted to present our 2023 Impact Report. Inside, you will find accounts of how ELI’s work advances independent, evidence-based foundations for good governance to address today's most pressing environmental problems.
Read our 2023 Impact Report.
Transparency and Ethical Standards
ELI prides itself on maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct and transparency. We have a Code of Ethics and are subject to annual audits as well as active oversight by our Board of Directors. We invite you to review our Annual Report, our Audited Financial Statements and IRS Form 990, as well as our GSA Report Card and information on our GSA Environmental Services Schedule. In addition, copies of our Bylaws, Charter, Code of Ethics, Hotline Procedures, and Conflict of Interest Policy are available by request to law@eli.org. Please indicate what documents you are requesting and the email or postal address to which the documents should be sent.