ELI has developed a set of educational materials on Gulf restoration. These short, easy-to-understand materials are targeted at people who are unfamiliar with the restoration processes, and they should be useful to community leaders and groups in their education and outreach efforts surrounding the BP oil spill.

- BP Oil Spill Main Funding Processes
Provides an overview of the three main restoration processes: the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA), RESTORE Act, and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) funds - Natural Resource Damage Assessment
Provides an overview of the natural resource damage assessment process - RESTORE Act
Provides an overview of the RESTORE Act processes - National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Provides an overview of funds going to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Tips for Public Commenting
Provides an overview of written and verbal commenting
If you are interested in receiving hard copies of these materials, or if you would like to tailor these materials for your education and outreach efforts, please contact us at gulfofmexico@eli.org.