Blight Revitalization Initiative for Green, Healthy Towns

ELI’s Blight Revitalization Initiative for Green, Healthy Towns (BRIGHT) identifies corridors of blighted, vacant, and environmentally-impaired properties in overburdened communities and supports the community and municipality in developing a revitalization plan. Combining community-level engagement with organizational and financial support from the private sector, government, and NGOs, BRIGHT catalyzes:

Petroleum Brownfields Resource Center

Nationwide, federal and state brownfields programs are striving to assess, clean up, and redevelop brownfields and vacant properties. However, implementation challenges continue to inhibit the success of these programs, and petroleum brownfields have especially lagged behind their hazardous waste counterparts in terms of the attention received and the degree of revitalization that has taken place.

States Make Significant Progress in Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment
August 2013

(Washington, DC) — States across the country are reaping the benefits of years of experimentation with innovative new approaches to brownfields and petroleum brownfields remediation and redevelopment, according to a report released by the Environmental Law Institute. The study provides concrete examples of applied practices and programs currently in use throughout the nation, along with information about regulatory and procedural changes that states have successfully deployed.

Brownfields Program
  • LUCIP Reality Check — Denver, CO (2005)
  • 2005 Phoenix Awards: Housing, Health Centers and Roads to Success — Denver, CO (2005)
  • Remodeling Public Health: Bringing in the Redevelopers — Denver, CO (2005)
  • Rebuilding Community Health: A Blueprint for Environmental Justice through Brownfields Redevelopment — Jacksonville, FL (2005)
  • A Shot in the Arm: Promoting Public Health through Brownfields Redevelopment — St.