Brownfields Bibliography


American Bar Association. Brownfields Redevelopment: Making Brownfields Transactions Work: A Key to Urban Revitalization and Environmental Stewardship. San Francisco: August 1997. [ph: 800/285-2221,]

Davis, Todd S. and Kevin D. Margolis. Brownfields: A Comprehensive Guide to Redeveloping Contaminated Property. American Bar Association. 1997. [ISBN 1-57073-439-9, ph: 800/285-2221,]

Diamond, Henry L. and Patrick F. Noonan. Land Use in America: The Report of the Sustainable Use of Land Project. Washington, D.C. Island Press, 1996. [ISBN 1-55963-464-2, ph: 800/828-1302,]

Geltman, Elizabeth G. A Complete Guide to Environmental Audits. American Bar Association. 1997. [ISBN 1-57073-381-3, ph: 800/285-2221,]

Gerrard, Michael B. Brownfields Law and Practice: The Cleanup and Redevelopment of Contaminated Land. New York: LEXIS Publishing, November 1999. Vol 1-3. [ph: 800/833-9844,]

Kemmis, Daniel. Community and the Politics of Place. London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1990. [ISBN 0-8061-2477-6, ph: 800/627-7377,]

Simons, Robert A. Turning Brownfields Into Greenbacks: Developing and Financing Environmentally Contaminated Urban Real Estate. Washington, D.C. Urban Land Institute, 1998. [ISBN 0-87420-851-3, ULI ordering # TO5, ph: 800/321-5011,]

Van Horn, Carl et al. Turning Brownfields into Jobfields: A Handbook for Practitioners and Citizens on Making Brownfields Development Work. John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development. December 1999. [ph: 732/932–4100,]


Alsenas, Paul A. et al. Cuyahoga County Brownfields Reuse Strategies Working Group Report. Cuyahoga County Planning Commission. 1993. [ph: 216/443-3700,]

American Bar Association Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law. Brownfields Initiatives: Aspects of Corporations. August 1995. [ph: (800) 285-2221,]

American Council for Capital Formation, Center for Policy Research. United States Waste Management Policies: Impact on Economic Growth and Investment Strategies. Washington, D.C. May 1992. [ph: 202/293-5811,]

American Society of Testing and Materials. Standard Guide to the Process of Sustainable Brownfields Redevelopment. June 1998. [ph: 610/832-9585,]

Anderson, Patrick L. and Ian Clemens. A Report on the Demographics of Michigan’s Urban Brownfield Communities. Lansing, MI: Anderson Economic Group. December 27, 1999. [ph: 517/374-2596,]

Bartsch, Charles and Elizabeth Collaton. Coming Clean for Economic Development: A Resource Book on Environmental Cleanup and Economic Development. Northeast-Midwest Institute. Revised, September 1996. [ISBN 1-882061-59-4, ph: 202/544-5200,]

Bartsch, Charles, ed. Financing Brownfield Reuse. Northeast-Midwest Institute. 1999. [ISBN 1-882061-68-3, ph: 202/544-5200,]

Beveridge & Diamond, P.C. (Jennifer Hernandez) A Practical Guide to Implementing the California Land Environmental Restoration and Reuse Act (Senate Bill 32) for California Brownfields. September 2001. [ph: 415/262-4000,]

Borak, David and Charles Meek. Putting the Pieces Together: Local Government Coordination of Brownfield Redevelopment. International City/County Management Association. [ph: 202/962-3663,]

Brewster, George B. Land Recycling and the Creation of Sustainable Communities: A Strategy for Ensuring Prosperity and Quality of Life for Californians in the 21st Century. The Center for Creative Land Recyling. 1998. [ph: 415/495–5660,]

Center for Environmental Policy and Management. "Public Strategies for Cost-Effective Community Brownfield Redevelopment, Practice Guide #1." University of Louisville Environmental Finance Center. [ph: 502-852-8152,]

Center for Environmental Policy and Management. "Managing Growth with Fairness: The Regulatory Takings Test of Smart Growth Policies, Practice Guide #2." University of Louisville Environmental Finance Center. [ph: 502-852-8152,]

Center for Environmental Policy and Management. "Closing the Brownfield Information Gap: Practical Methods for Identifying Brownfields, Practice Guide #3." University of Louisville Environmental Finance Center. [ph: 502-852-8152,]

City of Chicago, Final Report and Action Program. Brownfields Forum: Recycling Land for Chicago’s Future. November 1995. [ph: 312/744-8900]

Colvin, Ashley, Ian Fergusson and Heather Phillips. Renewing the Urban Landscape: The Dilemma of Vacant Housing. Center for Public Policy Research, Thomas Jefferson Program in Public Policy, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. February 2000. [ph: 757/221-2368,]

Committee on Environmental Controls. Community Concerns in Developing Impacted Properties. ABA Section of Business Law. 1997. [ph: 312/988-5588,]

English, Mary R. and James B. Rice. The Cleanup and Reuse of Brownfields: Key Issues and Policy Choices. Univ. of Tennessee: Waste Management Research and Education Institute, 1997. []

Environmental Law Institute. An Analysis of State Superfund Programs: 50- State Study.1998 Update. [ph: (800) 433-5120,]

Environmental Law Institute. Guidebook for Brownfield Property Owners. 1999. [ISBN 0-911932-98-6, ph: (800) 433-5120,]

Environmental Law Institute Research Report. Sustainability in Practice. 1999. [ISBN 0-911937-92-7, ph: (800) 433-5120,]

Gaspar, Christine and Denise Van Burik. Local Government Use of Institutional Controls at Contaminated Sites. ICMA’s Brownfield/Superfund Series. April 1998. [ph: 202/289-4262,]

Goode, Ann Eberhart, Elizabeth Collaton, and David Smallen. Brownfield Redevelopment and Transportation Policy. Northeast-Midwest Institute. 1999. [ph: 202/544-5200,, ISBN 1-882061-72-1]

Goode, Ann Eberhart et al. Guide to Federal Brownfield Programs. Northeast-Midwest Institute. 1999. [ph: 202/544–5200,]

Hernández, Lizette, Torri Estrada and Catalina Garzón. Building Upon Our Strengths: A Community Guide to Brownfields Redevelopment in the San Francisco Bay Area. Urban Habitat Program. 1999. [ph: 415/561-3336,]

Hersh, Robert et al. Linking Land Use and Superfund Cleanups: Uncharted Territory. Center for Risk Management, Resources for the Future. June 1997. [ph: 202/328-5000,]

Indiana: Brownfields Redevelopment Resource Guide. Indiana Department of Environmental Management. 2000. [ph: 315/233-2570]

International Economic Development Council. Brownfields Redevelopment: Performance Evaluation. Washington, D.C. 1999. []

International Economic Development Council. Converting Brownfields to Green Space. 2001. []

International City/County Management Association. Beyond City Limits: Best Practices from ICMA’s 1998 Brownfield Peer Exchanges. 1998. [ph: 202/962-3663,]

International City/Council Management Association’s Superfund Consortium. Summary Statements: Community Involvement, Future Land Use, Mixed Funding, Technology and Treatment. October 1993. [ph: 202/962-3582,]

Institute for Responsible Management Research. Draft Summary of Key Findings From Institute for Responsible Management Research on EPA Pilot Practices and Activities from 1994-1998. November 1998. pgs. 3-31. [ph: 732/296-1960]

Keys, Ellen. Blueprints for Successful Communities: A Guide for Shaping Livable Places. The Georgia Conservancy. 1997. [ph: 404/876-2900,]

Kirshenberg, Seth. Brownfields Redevelopment: A Guidebook for Local Government and Communities. ICMA and Northeast-Midwest Institute. 1997. [Item # 42127, ISBN 0-87326-153-4, ph: (800) 745-8780,]

National Association of County and City Health Officials. Community Revitalization and Public Health: Issues, Roses, and Relationships for Local Public Health Agencies. 2000. []

National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation. Brownfields Resource Guide for Rural and Small Communities. 2002. [202/624-7806,]

National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation. Reclaiming Rural America's Brownfields: Alternatives to Abandoned Property. [202/624-7806,]

National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation. The State of Rural and Small Metropolitan Brownfields Redevelopment, Special Report. 2002. [202/624-7806,]

National Environmental Policy Institute. Beyond Brownfields: Idle Land, Suburban Sprawl and the Law. Proceedings of the National Environmental Policy Institute’s October 16, 1995 Forum. [ph: 202/857-4784]

National Environmental Policy Institute. Guidebook for Transfer of Contaminated Properties. March 1998. [ph: 202/857–4784]

National Environmental Policy Institute. Guidebook for Transfer of Contaminated Properties: A Primer for Buyers, Sellers and Others Interested in "Environmentally Affected" Land Transfers. September 1998. [ph: 202/857-4784]

National Governors' Association. "Funding Long-term Stewardship at DOE's Weapons Sites: Tennessee's Perpetual Care Trust Fund." [ph: 202/624-7878,]

Office of Technology Assessment Congress of the United States. State of the States on Brownfields: Programs for Cleanup and Reuse of Contaminated Sites. June 1995. [OTA-BP-ETI-153]

Pendergrass, John. Institutional Controls In Use. Environmental Law Institute. September 1995. [ph: (800) 433-5120,]

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management. Pennsylvania Land Recycling Program Six-Month Progress Report: "Rebuilding Pennsylvania’s Industrial Heritage". February 1996. [ph: 717/783–7816,]

Pepper, Edith M. Strategies for Promoting Brownfield Reuse in California: A Blueprint for Policy Reform (Executive Summary). The California Center for Land Recycling. October 1998. [ph: 415/495–5660,]

Rhode Island Department of Health, Office of Environmental Health Risk Assessment. Brownfields: Turning Bad Spaces Into Good Ones, How Communities Can Get Involved. 1997. [ph: 403/455-8880,]

Rosenberg, Ronald H. Brownfields Redevelopment: Cleaning Up Contaminated Sites For Community Renewal. Center for Public Policy, Research College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. 1999. [ph: 757/221-2368,]

Schilling, Joseph, ed. International Experiences in Brownfield Integration and Collaboration: 1998 Local Government Case Studies. ICMA’s Brownfields / Superfund Series. July 1998. [ph: 202/289-4262,]

South Florida Regional Planning Council / Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. Building On Success: A Report from Eastward Ho! December 1998. [ph: 800/985-4416,]

South Florida Regional Planning Council/Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. Eastward Ho!: Revitalizing Southeast Florida’s Urban Core. July 1996. [ph: 954/985-4416,]

South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association. Model Brownfield Prevention Ordinance. [ph: 709/206-1155,]

South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association. Overview of Brownfield Prevention Program . [ph: 709/206-1155,]

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research. State Initiatives to Promote Redevelopment of Brownfields and Depressed Urban Areas: An Assessment of Key Features (Executive Summary). December 1999. [ph: 502/896-9448]

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Effects of Environmental Hazards and Regulation on Urban Redevelopment. February 1998. [ph: 202/708-1112,]

United States Environmental Protection Agency. Assessing Contractor Capabilities for Streamlined Site Investigations. January 2000. EPA 542-R-00-001. []

United States Environmental Protection Agency. Brownfield Job Training Pilot Program: An Overview of the Program and Pilot Accomplishments.

United States Environmental Protection Agency. Brownfield Tax Incentive Guidelines. September 1999. EPA 500-F-99-164. []

United States Environmental Protection Agency. The Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative: Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilots. March 1998. EPA 500-98-142. []

United States Environmental Protection Agency. Handbook of Tools for Managing Federal Superfund Liability Risks at Brownfields and Other Sites. November 1998. EPA 330-B-98-001. []

United States Environmental Protection Agency. List of Known Insurance Providers for Underground Storage Tanks. January 2000. EPA 510-B-00-004. []

United States Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Technology Innovation and Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. Road Map to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup, 2nd ed. EPA 542-B-99-009. [ph: (800) 490-9198,]

United States Environmental Protection Agency. A Report on State/Territory Non-NPL Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Efforts for the Period 1980-1992. July 1994. EPA 540/R-94/001. [ph: (800) 490-9198,]

United States General Accounting Office. Hazardous Waste Sites: State Cleanup Practices. December 1998. GAO\RCED-99-39. [ph: 202/512-6000,]

United States General Accounting Office. Superfund: EPA’s Use of Funds for Brownfield Revitalization. March 1998. GAO\RCED-98-87. [ph: 202/512- 6000,]

United States General Accounting Office. Superfund: How States Establish and Apply Environmental Standards When Cleaning Up Sites. March 1996. GAO/RCED-96-70FS. [ph: 202/512-6000,]

United States General Service Administration, Office of Property Disposal. Supporting Livable Communities Through Reuse of Federal Real Property. 1999. [ph: 202/501-0084,]

Urban Habitat. Brownfields Policy Paper. Second People of Color Environment Summit. 2002. [510/839-9510,]


Citizen’s Report on Brownfields. Published monthly by The Center for Public Environmental Oversight. [ph: 415/405-7750,]

Brownfield Innovations: A Quarterly Report on the Showcase Communities. Published quarterly by the International City/Council Management Association. [ph: 202/962-3663,]

Brownfield News. Published bi-monthly by the National Brownfield Association. []

Land Remediation Report. Published annually by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality. [ph: 405/702-5100,]

Recycling, Americas Land: A National Report on Brownfields Redevelopment. Published annually by The United States Conference of Mayors beginning in 1998. [ph: 202/293-7330,]

Sustain: A Journal of Environmental and Sustainability Issues. Published quarterly by The Kentucky Institute for the Environment and Sustainable Development. []


Abelson, Ned and Maura McCaffery. "Brownfields: Recent Massachusetts and Federal Developments."Environment Reporter. (1996): pgs. 2152-2155. [ph: (800) 452-7773,]

Ackerman, Jerry, Jonathon L. Feinstein and William J. Roache. Environmental Economic Fusion and The Brownfields Revitalization Process (Report 101). VHB Siteworks. 1999. [ph: 617/924-1770,]

Beaumont, Constance E. "Smart States, Better Communities: How State Governments Can Help Citizens Preserve Their Communities." National Trust for Historic Preservation, pgs. 127-132. [ph: (800) 944-6847,]

Boyd, James and Molly K. Macauley. "The Impact of Environmental Liability on Industrial Real Estate Development." Resources. No. 114. (1994): 19-23. [ph: 202/328-5025,]

Meyer, Peter B. "Risk-Based Corrective Actions and Cost Overruns: Long Term Post-Remediation Maintenance and Operations." Notes prepared for session on "Managing Concerns of Cleanup Cost Overruns" Brownfields 2002, Charlotte, NC, November 13-15. [ph: 502/852-8032,,]

Pendergrass, John. "Sustainable Redevelopment of Brownfields: Using Institutional Controls to Protect Public Health." ELR News & Analysis. vol. XXIX, no. 5 (1999): 10243-10258. [ph: (800) 433-5120,]

Pendergass, John. "Use of Institutional Controls as Part of a Superfund Remedy: Lessons From Other Programs." ELR News & Analysis. vol. XXVI, no. 3 (1996): 10109-10123. [ph: (800) 433-5120,]

Pepper, Edith M. Lessons from the Field: Unlocking Economic Potential With An Environmental Key. Northeast-Midwest Institute. 1997. [ph: 202/857–4784,]

Silverstein, Stuart. "Brownfield Gems." Brownfield News. Vol. 3, Issue 4 (1999). []