National Wetlands Awards Archive

Private Sector
Randy Riviereis the wildlife biologist and production manager at Tri Valley Growers (TVG) Volta Plant in Los Banos, California. (Los Banos, California)
Nonprofit Category
Mr. Timothy Searchinger authored a groundbreaking report on wetlands for the Environmental Defense Fund and World Wildlife Fund, which had a huge impact on federal wetlands protection policy. (New York, New York)
Nonprofit Category
As counsel to National Wildlife Federation’s (NWF) Fisheries & Wildlife Division and, subsequently, as an independent consultant, pro bono advisor, Janice L. Goldman-Carter has tackled some of the most pressing and difficult issues in wetlands protection. (Westchester, Pennsylvania)
Nonprofit Category
Dana Beach is the founder and executive director of the South Carolina Coastal Conservation League (SCCCL). (Charleston, South Carolina)
Special Award For Public Policy Leadership
Diane Dumanoski has been an environmental reporter for the Boston Globe since 1979. (Boston, Massachusetts)
Education And Outreach
After many years of environmental and conservation activism in his private and professional life, Neil Johnston has derived his formula for environmental change and stands by it: “Educate, educate, educate.” (Mobile, Alabama)
Land Stewardship And Development
Bryce and Brad Evans purchased 1,450 acres of bottomland in Missouri in 1991, with dreams of developing a top-notch row crop farm. (Concordia, Missouri)
Land Stewardship And Development
David Carter grew up on a small farm in southwestern Iowa near the town of Randolph. (Sydney, Iowa)
Science Research
The depth and breadth of academic contributions to the understanding of the ecology of floodplain forests made by Graeme Lockaby are unsurpassed. (Auburn, Alabama)
Volunteer Leadership
Ms. Maggy Hurchalla understood the dynamic nature of Florida's wetlands from a young age, going on to serve as a county commissioner in Florida, where she protected wetlands for 20 years. (Stuart, Florida)