This event has been organized by the Women in Water Diplomacy Network and partners including the Stockholm International Water Institute, the Environmental Law Institute, the International Joint Commission, the International Boundary and Water Commission, the University of Arizona’s Water Resources Research Center and Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, the Indigenous Women’s Leadership Network, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, the National Audubon Society, the Gila River Indian Community and Colorado River Indian Tribes with gracious support provided by the Walton Family Foundation, the Southern Nevada Water Authority, the Central Arizona Project, the Salt River Project, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, N-Drip, Montgomery and Associates, Freeport McMoRan, and Stantec.
The Women in Water Diplomacy Network is an informal community of practice comprised of both formal and informal women decision-makers and experts, representing a wealth of collective experience and expertise in transboundary water management and decision-making engaged in some of the most water insecure regions of the world. Originating in the Nile Basin in 2017, the Network is now a global community of women water leaders (and male champions supporting gender equality) working collectively to strengthen women’s leadership in transboundary water decision making with support from a global coalition of partners across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Leveraging a broad partnership, the North American Women in Water Diplomacy Network will aim to establish a regional Network across the Americas anchored in the Colorado River and Indigenous leadership in alignment with the Network’s ‘Path Forward for Women, Water, Peace and Security’ Global Strategy. The December 13, 2023 launch event will enable information sharing and partnership development of the North American Women in Water Diplomacy Network on the side of the Colorado River Water Users Association (CRWUA 2023) – a key policy dialogue meeting in North America. Additional consultation meetings are anticipated in early 2024.
Event Program:
4:30-5:00 Reception Registration and Mingle
5:00-5:05 Blessing and Land Recognition
5:05-5:10 Welcome
Dr. Sharon B. Megdal, Director of the Water Resources Research Center at the University of Arizona
5:10-5:18 A ‘Path Forward for Women, Water, Peace and Security’ in North America.
Elizabeth A. Koch, Environmental Law Institute and Process Support Lead for the Women in Water Diplomacy Network
5:18-5:30 Reflections from Network Champions
Commissioner Adriana Resendez, International Boundary and Water Commission, Mexico and Commissioner Maria-Elena Giner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States
Lorelei Cloud, Vice Chair, Southern Ute Tribal Council, Southern Ute Tribe and Co-chair, Indigenous Women’s Leadership Network
Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton, United States Bureau of Reclamation
Commissioner Merrell-Ann Phare, International Joint Commission, Canada (recorded video message)
5:30-6:00 Open Mic - Share your thoughts!
Facilitated by Jennifer Pitt, Colorado River Program Director, Audubon
6:00-6:10 Concluding Remarks
Chairwoman Amelia Flores, Colorado River Indian Tribes