Principles of Constitutional Environmental Law offers a comprehensive account and analysis of the growing -- and increasingly important -- intersection of constitutional and environmental law. Chapters are written with the goal of providing an accessible account of emerging constitutional issues valuable to academics and practitioners alike. Each chapter begins with a practice tip relevant to the material that follows, and ends with a case study that provides the story behind a case mentioned earlier in the chapter.
The book begins with the editor's introduction to the field of constitutional environmental law, illuminating the canon of case law that interprets the Constitution in innumerable environmental contexts. Chapter authors are drawn from private practice, academics, and government, providing an invaluable and balanced resource for virtually any constitutional question that may arise in environmental law. Chapters are organized in these areas for ease of reference:
- Part 1: Federal and state authority respecting environmental law and policy
- Part 2: Judicial review
- Part 3: Individual rights in the environmental context
- Part 4: Emerging constitutional issues in environmental law