Around the States Columns from ELI's Environmental Forum
Environmental Forum, ELI’s award-winning membership journal, delivers more than soundbites with in-depth articles, columns by the profession’s thought leaders, and the inside story on today’s critical challenges and tomorrow’s sunrise issues.
- Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Jump-Start State and Local Plans (November/December 2024)
- Will State and Local Governments Put the Kibosh on Geoengineering? (September/October 2024)
- Bans on Manufacture, Sale, and Distribution of Cultivated Meat (July/August 2024)
- Localities Are Well-Positioned to Improve Wild Animal Welfare (May/June 2024)
- EPA Local Government Advisory Committee to Tackle Key Issues (March/April 2024)
- California Breaks New Ground With Climate Accountability Laws (January/February 2024)
- States and Localities Aim to Stem Tide of Fast Fashion Textile Waste (November/December 2023)
- State Outdoor Recreation Offices Garner Rare Bipartisan Support (September/October 2023)
- Urban Bird Treaty Cities Address Dramatic Avian Population Decline (July/August 2023)
- The Time Is Now to Ramp Up Municipal Climate Adaptation (May/June 2023)
- New York First State to Curb Footprint of Cryptocurrencies (March/April 2023)
- State Right to Repair Legislation Gains Momentum Across Nation (January/February 2023)
- ECOS to Prioritize Infrastructure, Environmental Justice, and PFAS (November/December 2022)
- Zoom Without Muting: Leaf Blower Bans, Restrictions Gain (September/October 2022)
- Utility Initiatives Aim to Accelerate Electric Vehicle Adoption and Use (July/August 2022)
- Local Governments Tackle Energy Efficiency of Rental Properties (May/June 2022)
- Most Cities Well Off the Pace to Meet Needed Clean Energy Goals (March/April 2022)
- State and Local Efforts to Divert Organic Waste Steadily Advance (January/February 2022)
- Developments May Influence Track of Chesapeake Bay Restoration Job (September/October 2021)
- States Are Striving to Implement Full Potential of Energy Storage (July/August 2021)
- Can the Impossible Burger Lower Municipalities' Carbon Footprints? (May/June 2021)
- A New Era of Federal Engagement Begins With States and Localities (March/April 2021)
- Voters Support Green Measures in Reduced Popular Referendum Field (January/February 2021)
- Cities Compete for Businesses by Decarbonizing Their Grids (November/December 2020)
- Pro Bono Lawyers Draft Deep Decarbonization Model Laws (September/October 2020)
- State, Tribal, Local Citizen Science Forwards Environmental Protection (July/August 2020)
- The Wheels on the E-Bus Go Round and Round - And Reduce Carbon (May/June 2020)
- The Global Covenant of Mayors Supports Cities' Voluntary Efforts (March/April 2020)
- First-of-its-kind Regional Transport Program in Works for State Group (September/October 2019)
- ECOS Chief Strives for "Efficient" Alignment of State, Federal Roles (May/June 2019)
- Concern Over Increased State Pre-Emption of Some Local Initiatives (March/April 2019)
- Ballot Measures Meet with Limited Success in Face of Large Spending (January/February 2019)
- Recycling Increased in Red States, but Blue States Still Recycle More (November/December 2018)
- Bans of Single-Use Plastics Rise in Popularity, Protecting the Oceans (September/October 2018)
- Mulch Ado About Waste Handling: Community Composting Takes Off (July/August 2018)
- Amid Urban Growth, Funding Cuts, Local Parks Face New Challenges (May/June 2018)
- States Step Up Regional Climate Change Gas Mitigation Markets (March/April 2018)
- Reports: Cities Need to Plan Now for Flooding From Sea-Level Rise (January/February 2018)
- NYU Legal Center to Assist State AGs in Battling Trump Rollbacks (November/December 2017)
- State Role in Autonomous Vehicle Rollout Key to a Green Outcome (September/October 2017)
- Attorneys General Key Players As States Chime in on Federal Policy (July/August 2017)
- Private Funding is Boosting City Resiliency Against Array of Threats (May/June 2017)
- With New Computer Standards, California Again Takes the Lead (March/April 2017)
- "No" votes mean an electoral win for solar energy in Sunshine State (January/February 2017)
- Cities are Talking Trash Again – And This Time it's Zero Trash (November/December 2016)
- Are State Agency Budgets Rising Enough to Meet New Challenges (September/October 2016)
- States and Localities are Finding a Huge Potential in Green Bonds (July/August 2016)
- Cities and States Struggling With Mitigation of Urban Heat Islands (May/June 2016)
- State Pension Plans Green Firms Through Shareholder Initiatives (March/April 2016)
- After 25 Years, States are Doing More While Facing Familiar Issues (January/February 2016)
- Increasing Federal Outreach to States (November/December 2015)
- Hawaii's New 100% Portfolio Standard (September/October 2015)
- Coordination a Key to Further Progress (July/August 2015)
- Stringency Laws Widely Adopted (May/June 2015)
- States, Cities Take on Food Waste (March/April 2015)
- Combined Sewer Overflow Notices (January/February 2015)
- Groundwater Issues Present Challenges (November/December 2014)
- State Adaptation: A Work in Progress (September/October 2014)
- A Multi-State Zero Emissions Plan (July/August 2014)
- Are State Climate Efforts on Wane? (May/June 2014)
- Cities Embrace Bike Systems (March/April 2014)
- Portfolio Standards Entrench Across U.S. (January/February 2014)
- Embracing Technology (November/December 2013)
- Urban Agriculture Initiative Grow (September/October 2013)
- Plastic Bags Laws Proliferate (May/June 2013)
- Groups of Public Officials in Flux (March/April 2013)
- Ballot Measures All Over the Map (January/February 2013)
- Literacy Initiatives Flourish in States (November/December 2012)
- And the Winner Is (September/October 2012)
- Building Building Energy Codes (July/August 2012)
- Partly Sunny for Residential Solar (March/April 2012)
- States Adapting to Climate Change (January/February 2012)
- Greening the Power of the Purse (November/December 2011)
- States Bat Cleanup on AFO Pollution (September/October 2011)
- Will Mayors Hit Climate Targets? (July/August 2011)
- Enforcement: It's the Funding, Stupid (May/June 2011)
- Broad State Efforts on Toxic Controls (March/April 2011)
- A Critical Juncture in Fed-State Roles (January/February 2011)
- So Long, But State Innovation Goes On (November/December 2010)
- Texas Tailors the Tailoring Rule (September/October 2010)
- EPA, States Need to Cooperate on Bay (July/August 2010)
- Growth and Agency Roles in the States (May/June 2010)
- Arizona Pulls Out of Climate Initiative (March/April 2010)
- Fostering Efficiency and Renewables (January/February 2010)
- States Respond to Fed Energy Moves (November/December 2009)
- Funding a Home Energy Revolution (May/June 2009)
- Stimulus Could Boost Efficiency (March/April 2009)
- States Have Led But Still Need Feds (January/February 2009)
- States Collectively Manage Waters (September/October 2008)
- Climate Measures Now Commonplace (July/August 2008)
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