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AMERICAN NEOGOTHIC ❧ In 2018, Congress must reauthorize the Farm Bill. Even in a polarized Washington, the measure represents a unique opportunity to bring disparate parties together to help the sector achieve meaningful reductions in carbon emissions and boost rural economic opportunity.
With SIDEBARs by a progressive farmer and an agricultural economist

CAPITOL IDEA ❧ The key to sustainability isn’t to restrict bad practices but to encourage good practices until they take root. We can keep reacting to problems as they emerge, or we can create a culture of responsible resource management that prevents threats from coming to pass.

COVER STORY ❧ Reducing greenhouse emissions by making it more expensive to burn fossil fuels and letting prices determine how businesses and households reduce their emissions is a cost-effective policy — provided mechanisms are put in place to offset added costs to those in poverty.
With SIDEBARs by a Liberaterian policy shop, a university scholar, and a lawyer-activist

TSCA 2.0 ❧ Personal bonding and filling complementary political needs catalyzed the first major environmental statute in more than a quarter century. Now comes the task of heating up what the newly compounded toxics law precipitated: an extensive program of evaluation and testing.

HEADNOTE ❧ We asked a panel of experts, and then the hurricanes hit, exposing the vulnerability of poor and minority populations in Texas, Florida, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Is there a greater role for the executive branch to play to ensure environmental equity in what has been called the civil rights issue of the 21st century?
Indecent exposure? Activists fear TSCA rules risk public health.
What have we learned from 30 years of cap-and-trade programs?
NYU legal center to assist state AGs in battling Trump rollbacks.
Geoengineering & hubris: altering gargantuan natural flows of energy.
The dignity of the states is being lost in environmental litigation.
States are labs of carbon pricing in power sector and broader economy.
Willing expediting NEPA reviews for infrastructure speed up projects?
A well ends well: an exurban fable.
Faults a book on WWII’s devastation.
Study finds legal means for protecting California’s coast.
Online course on sustainability and peace set to launch in 2018.
On the enemy of environmental protection.