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ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER ❧ Despite the enactment of scores of wildlife protection laws, illegal activities are difficult to detect under current enforcement policies. Laws include language providing monetary incentives to persons who disclose information about wildlife crimes, but these provisions have not been effectively implemented.

NATIONAL WETLANDS NEWSLETTER ❧ Using the Clean Water Act's Section 404(c) to protect a national treasure, Alaska's Bristol Bay.

ELI PRESS ❧ How animal law can extend the environmental movement's quest for legal standing for non-human animals.

RESEARCH & POLICY ❧ The public has had an important role in gathering the data needed for environmental protection. Properly designed programs can stimulate further participation in regulatory activities and supplement the work of agency scientists facing limited budgetary resources.

RESEARCH & POLICY ❧ Rethinking the relationship for a more progressive agrarian century.
EPA Methane Rules Address an Extra-Potent Greenhouse Gas.
The Ever-Evolving Interrelationship Between GDP and Carbon Dioxide.
States and Localities Are Finding a Huge Potential in Green Bonds.
Knot Good: How Climate Change Harms Rich, Industrial Economies.
Merrick Garland's Environmental Record Shows a Preference for Consensus.
Will Standards for GMOs Change Under a Transatlantic Trade Pact?
On David Brower and American Environmentalism.
Professionals in China: An Update.