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It’s not the material injected underground to release shale gas — it’s the dangerous fluid and gases that come back to the surface. The lost opportunity to perform a thorough evaluation of the potential adverse health consequences of fracking has hurt the industry.

As tens of billions of dollars are spent over the coming decades to restore the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, a variety of mechanisms have been created to ensure responsible stewardship of public resources, natural and monetary.

The vast bay and watershed include the largest estuary in the country. Efforts to restore its vastly degraded water quality involve a commensurately large response by the Bay States, the federal Environmental Protection Agency, local governments, and the public.

Power from the sun is surging in the United States. Realizing its vast potential invites us to make creative but careful use of our built environment and open lands.

The dangers of climate change are not usually couched in terms of national security, but awareness of the issue is growing rapidly. What could be more basic to security than a climate conducive for agriculture, abundant water supplies, ecosystem health, industrial production, biodiversity, and human comfort? What could be more threatening than extreme weather events or mass migrations because of rising seas and crop failures? The annual ELI-Miriam Hamilton Keare Policy Forum brought together top experts on the topic.
Environmentalists are battling against the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.
Exercising responsibility for the supply chain and human rights is a positive trend in business.
After 25 years, states are doing more, while facing familiar issues from the past.
Enhanced oil and gas recovery through hydrualic fracturing means more earthquakes.
A group of cases shows that food law is the next great area for environmental litigation.
Turkey's ill-considered rush to coal undercuts climate change emissions progress.
Are the Pope's critiques of markets on point or, unfortunately, somewhat misguided?
How the Montreal Protocol, restricting ozone depleters, also protects the global climate.
Oliver Houck reviews a tautly told toxic tort tale.
Our collection of job transitions and honors.
Henry Diamond receives ELI Award at annual banquet.
On tropical conservation and liability of environmental harm.
On the need for better governance.