List of Abbreviations

APES = Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study (database)

ATTAINS = Assessment TMDL Tracking and Implementation System

BEHI = Bank Erosion Hazard Index

BLM = Bureau of Land Management

C-CAP = Coastal Change Analysis Program

CCAP = NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program

CMAQ = Community Multi-scale Air Quality Model

CREP = Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

CTNC = Conservation Trust of North Carolina

CWMTF = Clean Water Management Trust Fund

CWS = Composite Wetland System

CZM = Coastal Zone Management

Major Retailer Lauded for Demanding Credible Fishery Certification
July 2013

(Washington, DC) — The Environmental Law Institute (ELI) congratulates Walmart on its recent decision to limit purchases of Alaska salmon to that portion of the fishery that is certified by the Marine Stewardship Council. Walmart says that it does not consider other certification systems, including the Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification used by some Alaska suppliers, to be consistent with the MSC. ELI agrees.