Tools for evaluating groundwater supply

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Single-objective tools


Multi-objective tools



Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Coastal Master Plan Potential for Freshwater Availability Tool (LACPRA CMP):1 The freshwater suitability index estimates the effect of wetland restoration projects on the availability of freshwater for municipal and industrial use by urban areas and other facilities. The model assessed the potential for freshwater availability for each 500m2 cell by simulating the effects of salinity, distance from strategic assets, and distance from major population centers on the availability of freshwater. Factors and data sources representing these variables are provided below.

Factor used in analysis

Data source(s)

Salinity (ppt)

Eco-hydrology model

Distance from strategic asset (m)

Calculated using GIS shapefiles

Distance from major population center (mi)

Calculated using GIS shapefiles


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New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Wetland Restoration Assessment Model (NHDES WRAM) Groundwater Use Potential Tool:2 In WRAM, groundwater use potential represents the potential impact on ground water of each restoration site. It is modeled based on the factors and data listed below:

Factor used in analysis

Data source

Distance from existing public or private water supply wells


Distance from potential public or private water supply


Groundwater quality


Downstream distance between potential restoration sites and aquifers


Proximity to contaminated site

Mapped NHDES potential contamination sites (CSITE/CAREA layer)

Acronym definitions

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Washington State Department of Ecology Watershed Characterization Tool (WSDOE WCT) Groundwater Discharge Tool:3,4 The watershed characterization tool ranked user-defined hydrological units for groundwater discharge in terms of four possible "importance" and "impairment" rankings (low, medium, medium-high, and high). Importance for groundwater discharge was modeled as a function of miles of streams and rivers that cross areas located in unconfined floodplains and that contain permeable deposits. Impairment to discharge is modeled based on the density of wells (which decrease discharge through groundwater pumping), miles of unconfined streams in high permeability deposits of urban and rural floodplains, and area of potential slope wetlands in areas of urban or rural land use.

Factor used in analysis

Data source(s)

Unconfined floodplains

SSHIAP data for floodplain confinement5

Miles of streams and rivers

Pacific Northwest Hydrography Network6

Area of slope wetlands

DNR topography7; SSURGO hydric soils8

Urban and rural land use

WDFW land use/land cover data9

Density of Class A and B wells

Department of Health Well Data

Acronym definitions

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Washington State Department of Ecology Watershed Characterization Tool (WSDOE WCT) Groundwater Recharge Tool:3,4 The watershed characterization tool ranked user-defined hydrological units for groundwater recharge in terms of four possible "importance" and "impairment" rankings (low, medium, medium-high, and high). The importance of an area for recharge is determined using a simple equation that calculates recharge based on permeability of the soil and annual average precipitation. Impairment is calculated by multiplying the total recharge value by a recharge coefficient, which is derived from the land use type (e.g., high intensity land use = higher coefficient value).

Factor used in analysis

Data source(s)

Average annual precipitation

Precipitation isohyetal map

Area of high permeability soils (coarse gained soils, such as recessional and advance outwash and alluvium in lowland areas)

SSURGO soils data

Area of low permeability soils (bedrock such as till, basalt, and granite)

Land cover types


Reduction coefficients

High Intensity = 0.9 (80 to 100% impervious)

Medium Intensity = 0.7 (51 to 79% impervious)

Low Intensity = 0.35 (20 to 50% impervious)

Acronym definitions

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1Reed D. 2012. Freshwater availability (potential for) technical report. Appendix D-20. Louisiana’s Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast. Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana. Baton Rouge, LA.
2 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 2009. Merrimack River Watershed Restoration Strategy. Prepared for New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
3 Feedback received on 5/18/2012 from Stephen Stanley, Wetland Specialist, Washington State Department of Ecology.
4 Stanley S, Grigsby S, Hruby T, and Olson P. 2010. Chehalis Basin Watershed Assessment: Description of Methods, Models and Analysis for Water Flow Processes. Washington State Department of Ecology. Publication #10-06-006. Olympia, WA.
5 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. SalmonScape Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Inventory and Assessment Program (SSHIAP). Accessible from:
Pacific Northwest Hydrology Framework. Accessible from:
Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Accessible from:
US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. SSURGO/STATSGO2 Structural Metadata and Documentation. Accessible form:
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. SalmonScape Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Inventory and Assessment Program (SSHIAP). Accessible from:
NOAA Coastal Services Center.