Ten Things Wrong With Sprawl
James M. McElfish, Jr.
Date Released
January 2007
Ten Things Wrong With Sprawl

The U.S. population will grow by over 92 million in the next 35 years. If sprawl development patterns continue to prevail, what are the likely consequences for America, its communities, and its resources? This publication draws on examples from across the country to identify detrimental effects from sprawl development patterns, and to suggest why it is time to pursue changes in law and policy to eliminate the adverse consequences of our current development approach.

Maryland Farmland Conservation: Supporting Sustainable Use of Land through Tax Policy
Rebecca Gruby and James McElfish Jr., Environmental Law Institute and Dr. Lori Lynch and Qing Li, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland
Date Released
December 2008
Maryland Farmland Conservation: Supporting Sustainable Use of Land through Tax P

Maryland’s population is increasing rapidly while the state continues to lose its agricultural lands. This study explores Maryland’s primary tax measures affecting agriculture, the agricultural use assessment (AUA) and the agricultural land transfer tax (ATT), in order to determine whether these related tax programs could be improved in ways that would encourage farmland protection while continuing to benefit farmers’ bottom lines.