California Public Resources Code §§ 25665.1, 25665.3
California Education Code § 17661(d)
California Public Utilities Code §§ 1620-1627
Requires the California Energy Commission, in collaboration with large utilities, to develop and administer the School Reopening Ventilation and Energy Efficiency Verification and Repair Program for the purpose of awarding grants to local educational agencies "to reopen schools with functional ventilation systems that are tested, adjusted, and, if necessary or cost effective, repaired, upgraded, or replaced to increase efficiency and performance." Schools receiving a grant must comply with the law's detailed requirements for HVAC assessment, repairs, and upgrades, including ensuring ventilation rates in accordance with the state building code and MERV 13 filtration or higher where feasible. The grant programs, to be funded through specific allocations in the energy efficiency budgets of the utilities, must prioritize underserved communities, as well as schools located within 500 feet of a busy traffic corridor or within 1,000 feet of certain polluting facilities. (Program guidelines available at:
California Government Code § 12087.9
Requires the state, by January 2021, to develop a recommended action plan to: (1) ensure greater cross-referral between public health agencies and the state weatherization program for "comprehensive energy and healthy home improvements for low-income multifamily residents in disadvantaged communities"; (2) promote energy improvement projects that provide net financial benefits and health benefits to low income tenants, including projects that improve indoor air quality and address asthma or respiratory issues triggered by mold and moisture; and (3) create mechanisms maintaining the affordability of units receiving energy upgrades. (Plan available at: