B. Suzi Ruhl

Suzi Ruhl is a lawyer and epidemiologist with non-profit, government and academic experience. Ruhl joined the faculty at the Yale School of Medicine, Child Study Center, as Senior Research Scientist in 2020, where she also serves as Director of Policy for the Elevate Policy Lab at the Yale School of Public Health. Her interests are to strengthen child, maternal and family mental health and social support, and equitably build individual and community resiliency by tackling highest priority conditions created by health, economic and environmental challenges. Prior to her Yale appointment, she served as Senior Counsel at the US EPA in the Office of Environmental Justice. In this capacity, she served on the Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJIWG) as founding Co-Chair of the following: National Environmental Policy Act Committee, Rural Communities Committee, Subcommittee on Place Based Efforts. She helped co-create and served as a founding member of the Natural Disaster Subcommittee. She also so-developed the environmental justice focus of the HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities as founding Co-chair of Team EJ. Prior to her federal government service, Ruhl held key positions with the Environmental Law Institute, including Senior Attorney, Director of Public Health and Law Program, and Co-Director of Brownfields Center. Prior to these management positions, Ruhl served on the Board of Directors of the Environmental Law Institute. Ruhl launched her career by founding the Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation, Inc., (LEAF) a public interest law firm established to serve communities bearing the burden of pollution, disease, poverty and crime. She served as President and General Counsel.