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LEAD FEATURE But revisions to the hazardous waste convention are needed to manage new sustainability challenges, and the United States needs to adopt implementing legislation and thereby become a party.
With SIDEBARs from the treaty secretariat and an independent analyst.

CENTERPIECE They are the hundreds of millions of people across the planet who have no access to safe drinking water or basic sanitation. We have the technology in hand. The major barrier lies in financing both capital investment for facilities and their ongoing operating costs.
With a SIDEBAR from a consultant bringing safe drinking water to Maharashtra, India.

COVER STORY “We have this abundant renewable resource at our fingertips. How can we make it something that drives economic development in communities that have been excluded from the clean energy sector?”
With SIDEBARs from two solar advocates bringing power to the underserved.

TESTIMONY Most of a 33-acre property in a historically Black neighborhood in rural Virginia is cleared of contaminants caused by a defunct chemical company and is ready for use. Overcoming the stigma associated with a Superfund site is quite another challenge.

President Biden has called for the United States to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by mid century. That will require all but eliminating the use of fossil fuels and transitioning the nation’s vehicle fleets, buildings, factories, work places, and businesses to electricity for all energy needs. This is a huge undertaking, requiring excellent governance going forward. Our panel points to the big issues at stake.
FERC Could Soon Be Building a Transmission Line to the Future.
Too Much Science in Ranching, Farming, Forestry, Public Lands Management.
Developments May Influence Track of Chesapeake Bay Restoration Job Trajectory.
Debate Over Social Cost of Carbon-Driven Regulations Is Heating Up.
Last Term’s High Court Decisions Hint at an Incremental Strategy.
Bird Poop and Sovereignty at Bay: The Strange Fate of Navassa Island.
Addressing the Competitiveness Impacts of Pollution Regulations.
A Progress Report From the War on Science — and the Environment.
On Hidden Story of Chernobyl Disaster.
Newest Winners of ELI’S National Wetlands Awards.
On Pandemic’s Lessons for Work Future.