Opportunities to Improve Landscape-Scale Mitigation for Energy Projects in the Chesapeake Region
Date Released
November 2018

There are numerous applications for large linear energy projects – natural gas pipelines and electric transmission lines – that will affect the lands, waters, and resources of the Chesapeake region. At the same time, the states in this region are experiencing challenges in meeting their goals for conservation of lands, waters, and natural and historic resources. New and revised state-level practices can address the impacts of proposed projects and improve land conservation outcomes.

Report: Holistic Approach Needed for Planning Energy Projects--Electric Transmission Lines, Gas Pipelines, and Solar/Wind Facilities Projects Should Factor in Landscape Impact Before Permitting Process Begins
November 2018

(Annapolis, MD): A new report prepared by the Environmental Law Institute for the Chesapeake Conservation Partnership, a network of conservation organizations and natural and cultural resources agencies, recommends specific actions that Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia may consider to address the impacts of proposed energy projects while improving land conservation outcomes.