Archive on Gulf Wetlands Now Available

September 2005

In addition to its human toll, Hurricane Katrina inflicted cataclysmic damage on wetlands throughout the Gulf Coast. In an effort to aid researchers and reporters covering wetland issues in the storm’s aftermath, National Wetlands Newsletter, the nation’s premier wetland policy journal published by the Environmental Law Institute®, has created a free, searchable archive of more than 30 of its articles that deal specifically with wetlands along the Gulf Coast.

The articles, written over the past 12 years, focus on wetland restoration, flood control, species protection, and wetland management. Articles include:

  • “A Call for Flood Security Through Wetland Protection”
  • “Consequences of Mississippi River Diversion for Louisiana Coastal Restoration”
  • “Restoration Applications on the Land in the Lower Mississippi Valley”
  • “Shorelines Restoration—Advancing Over Seawalls”
  • “Wetlands Loss and Gain in Louisiana”
  • “Restoring Tidal Wetlands—A Scientific View”

Authors of the articles represent the cross-section of wetland experts, such as natural resource managers; attorneys; wetlands advocates; academics; federal, state, and local regulators; and others.

The articles are being made available free of charge to all interested individuals as a public service. Links to the archive may be found at

For further information about National Wetlands Newsletter, the Environmental Law Institute, and other ELI wetland program and publications, please visit