Procedural matters of Environmental Justice. Challenges and perspectives.

November 4, 2021 5:00 pm — 7:00 pm


This conference is co-sponsored by Environmental Peacebuilding and the Environmental Law Institute.

Within the framework of the International Cooperation Project "Transformation of Deforestation in Colombia through Judicial Education," the Second Policy Dialogue will comprise a series of virtual events that will be held during October and November 2021. These events are designed to generate spaces for academic construction and dialogue between actors about the problem of deforestation in the country by exploring the role of the judiciary in the fight against deforestation.

The third event of this Policy Dialogue aims to carry out a high-level dialogue with actors from the judicial branch, academia, institutions, and the productive sector on procedural issues of environmental justice. We consider that a space is necessary to discern around the problems of judicial organization but at the same time propose scenarios and improvement actions that allow and facilitate environmental protection from the judicial courts.
The environmental conflicts that are subject to prosecution are complex and multidimensional, they are related to investment projects for the exploitation of natural resources. The main environmental conflicts are related to causes such as, among others, the overlapping of rights, unplanned land use, procedural problems of environmental impact assessment mechanisms or environmental licensing, the phenomenon "not in my backyard", the asymmetry of power, non-compliance with regulations or lack of transparency and / or legitimacy. These are the main litigation trends that become permanent and repeated conflicts in many Latin American countries, especially in Colombia.

For further details, see the event website.