Zoe Vogel

Public Interest Environmental Law Fellow

Meet Our Clearinghouse Partners

The ELI Pro Bono Clearinghouse works closely with partner organizations that are dedicated to helping Environmental Justice communities find the experts they need. The Clearinghouse is committed to regularly posting these matters and engaging with our partners to amplify their impact. Please find brief descriptions of our partners below.  


The Pro Bono Clearinghouse is a tool to connect individuals, communities, and non-profits with pro bono representation. Submitting a matter to the Clearinghouse and subsequent posting of the matter does not guarantee representation. We do not post criminal or non-viable matters.  

Law Clinics

There are several ways in which law clinics can engage with the Clearinghouse. The first way is to submit matters to the Clearinghouse. We know that clinics often receive more requests for help than they can take on. The Clearinghouse is happy to post these previously vetted matters. The Clearinghouse is unable to post criminal or non-viable matters. The Clearinghouse is for individuals, communities, and non-profits that would not be able to secure legal assistance if not for pro bono assistance.

Pro Bono Clearinghouse FAQs
  1. What is the ELI Pro Bono Clearinghouse?

    The Clearinghouse is an easy way for communities that need pro bono support for their environmental legal issues to connect with attorneys and experts willing and able to help them. The major goal of the ELI Pro Bono Clearinghouse is to address our nation’s vast “legal deserts” where communities do not have ready access to the legal support they need.

  2. What role does ELI itself play?