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OPENING ARGUMENT Too often in an effort to save Mother Nature, we forget about human nature. Solving problems with rolling out clean renewable energy is less a matter of the physical sciences than the social sciences—overcoming users’ habits and project resistance at the local level.
With a SIDEBAR by Danielle Stokes of Unversity of Richmond

CROSS-EXAMINATION When climate change forces an exodus from affected regions, where will the displaced go? This is a worldwide issue and also one that will affect the United States internally, as coasts flood and high temperatures and water shortages force domestic relocation.
With a SIDEBAR by Brian Falk of the PLACE Initiative

COVER STORY Communities have not been able to prove discriminatory intent in inequitable environmental burden cases, but they may be successful in securing equitable environmental benefits by using the laws effectively and by engaging in collaborative problem-solving.
SIDEBARS by Hilary Jacobs of Beveridge & Diamond and Emily Bergeron of University of Kentucky

TESTIMONY The agency was on the cusp of cleaning up Cancer Alley. Then it backed down. Documents obtained by the online publication Grist reveal the sweeping changes that EPA was negotiating before giving in to GOP pressure.

THE DEBATE From the snail darter case to the spotted owl and similar controversies today, the ESA has been engulfed in controversy for much of the half century since its passage. And its record of accomplishment in recovering imperiled species is checkered. Meanwhile, not envisioned by its drafters are threats like climate change and novel diseases that can wipe out whole populations. We asked a panel of experts with long experience in the ESA for their suggestions on improving species recovery and biodiversity preservation.
Searching for Solutions to Permit a Carbon-Free Energy Transition.
Where Statutory Language Turns Up Missing, Don’t Invoke Science.
State Outdoor Recreation Offices Garner Rare Bipartisan Support.
Energy Transition Will Confront Legal and Policy Impediments.
Green Amendments: Lessons From Hawai’i, New York, and Montana.
Brazil’s Forest: Governance, Indian Reserves, and Narco-Deforestation.
Policy Implications of Overshooting Global Temperature Increase Goals.
Environment Silent Victim of War in Ukraine, for Decades to Come.
G. Tracy Mehan III Examines an Enforcement Epiphany.
See Colleagues' Job Changes and Honors Received.
Six Conservationists Win National Wetlands Awards.
Nick Collins on Fiction and the Future of Plastic.