Healthy, High Performance School Facilities:

Developments in State Policy


New York

Citation: N.Y. State Education Department, Manual of Planning Standards -- Appendix: NY-CHPS Version 1.1: High Performance Schools Guidelines
Effective: May 2007
Available: HERE

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the New York State Education Department have developed NY-CHPS, a set of voluntary high performance school design guidelines for New York schools. The guidelines are adapted, in part, from the original CHPS criteria, but have been tailored to New York code requirements and the priorities of the State Education Department. The state “has organized and added new material to emphasize criteria that directly contribute to student learning, reduced maintenance, and long building life.” NY-CHPS Version 1.1 (Preface).

The Education Department has formally incorporated the guidelines as a voluntary appendix to the N.Y. State Education Department’s Manual of Planning Standards, which is used by all school construction projects that fall under the auspices of the department.


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