International City/County Management Association (ICMA)

Organization Type

Founded in 1914, ICMA is the professional and educational association for more than 8,000 appointed administrators and assistant administrators serving cities, counties, other local governments, and regional entities around the world. ICMA is also the organizational home for the Smart Growth Network. ICMA publishes the Brownfields Issue Intersection, a newsletter for local government professionals focusing on brownfields, as well as case studies on brownfields projects in the U.S. and internationally. ICMA has also established the Brownfields/Superfund Consortium, which provides local government managers with the opportunity to interact with their peers and discuss brownfields and Superfund issues.

Organization Address

Rober O'Neill, Exec. Director
777 North Capitol Street, NE
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20002-4201

Organization Telephone
Organization Email Address