What Can Animal Law Learn from Environmental Law? Shows Synergies and Convergence Between Animal Rights, Environmental Issues

September 2015

(Washington DC) - The Environmental Law Institute announces the recent release of What Can Animal Law Learn from Environmental Law? by its publishing arm, ELI Press. This book, edited by Prof. Randall S. Abate of Florida A&M University College of Law, compares the very different trajectories of the regulatory histories of environmental law and animal law and examines the legal and policy intersections that exist across them. Professor Abate draws on the talents of 22 experts from academia, the nonprofit community, and the legal profession to examine the ways in which animal rights and welfare law can benefit from lessons learned in the environmental field.

From lessons about politics, the patchwork approach to environmental lawmaking, and legal standing for animals and the environment, the authors examine how environmental law's successes and shortcomings can inform animal law. The authors also explore the important intersections between the two fields, such as concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), agriculture and climate change, fisheries and whaling, invasive species, lead poisoning, and many other critical topics.

To learn more about What Can Animal Law Learn From Environmental Law, please visit our website here.

Professor Abate is available to discuss his publication or topics within it further with our press and media contacts.

Please contact Laura Frederick at 202-939-3859 or frederick@eli.org for more information.

Environmental Law Institute
1730 M Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036

The Environmental Law Institute makes law work for people, places, and the planet. With its non-partisan, independent approach, ELI promotes solutions to tough environmental problems. The Institute's unparalleled research and highly respected publications inform the public debate and build the institutions needed to advance sustainable development.