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Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Coastal Master Plan LACPRA CMP Nature Based Tourism Suitability Index:1 This tool measured the potential for wetland projects to support nature-based tourism based on their ability to provide suitable and accessible habitat. It did so by scoring 500m2 cells, with high index scores assigned to cells containing areas close to major population centers, located short distances from points of interest, containing land cover types of high value to nature-based tourism (e.g., those classified as containing wax myrtle, cut-grass, etc.), located short distances to beaches, high barrier island percent land (an indicator of beach size), accessible by road (as opposed to boat only), and having a high habitat suitability index for a variety of aquatic species. Factors and data sources representing these variables are provided below:

Factor using in analysis

Data source(s)

Distance from major population centers (mi)

GIS shapefiles

Distance from points of interest (mi)

Distance to beaches (mi)

Accessibility of nearby beaches (1=road access; 0.5=boat only)

Barrier island percent land

Output data from other 2012 Coastal Master Plan models

Quantity and quality of alligator, river otter, muskrat, roseate spoonbill, gadwall, green-winged teal, mottled duck, and neotropical migrant habitat

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1Reed D. 2012. Nature based tourism (potential for) technical report. Appendix D-21. Louisiana's Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast. Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana. Baton Rouge, LA.